What's this? I'm at work on a Sunday morning, and have in fact been here since eight? YES. Don't ask why, since I myself don't know. I guess sometime [during the past two months], my boss asked if I would be available to work some Sundays, and I said Yes, being that my Sundays are free of any formal obligations. So here I am. I know I didn't volunteer to work on this specific weekend day, else I would have made a note in my day planner. But, you know, I get up early and like getting up early. And I like money and making extra money. And I'll be done by four, so I'm not complaining. Someone also brought in coffee this morning: mmmm.
One hundred pages left in the anthology: I'm hoping to finish today or tomorrow, before the onslaught of semester reading will take over my schedule. Last week, started Lynne Tillman's "This is Not It," which I'm really liking so far, both in terms of its underlying structure/ideology and of the writing itself. And after I'm done with Tillman? Alice Munro, DFW, and books for class. Also, I'd reallllly like to read Mark Bittman's "Food Matters," but it's not in the 5-college library system and there are 39 holds on the one copy in circulation at the public library, so I'mna have to order it.
Yesterday, while picking up a few of my book for class (Books for Class), I perused the German area of the textbook section (conveniently next to the English and French areas). I looked through the book for German 310, reading a few of the stories and exercises, and decided that I'd like to practice German again. I won't really have an audience, or a purpose - aside from self-improvement/the pure enjoyment of German. But, these purposes will be enough. Now, onward to amazon.com!
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