Wow: I am exhausted, but I don't think this exhaustion is warranted. I'd planned to go to the gym at 7:00 sharp, but it looks like that ain't gonna happen. In fact, I don't think I can make myself move from my bed. WHAT IS THIS? WHY AM I SO TIRED? WHO WILL GIVE ME THE ANSWERS?
For a grad student, I'm kind of a wuss.
In other news, I wrote the first of my independent study papers this evening. It is not the best response paper I've ever written, but neither is it the worst. Mostly, I just needed to get the [independent study] ball rolling.
I'm thinking of getting myself this necklace as a Valentine's Day present: is that bad? To buy oneself a present? Maybe it's only weird that I'm classifying it as a "Valentine's Day present" instead of "Something That I Just Really Like." Or maybe I'm obsessing about this pending purchase because I know, in my truthful heart, that I don't need another piece of jewelry. But it is so lovely, and my favorite shade of blue! I would wear it well, and with a tan! In fact, I would lay out in the sun (with SPF 30, of course) just for this necklace.
OK, I'm getting ridiculous here. I'm going to go do some more independent study work and stop broadcasting my neuroses to the internetz.
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