Now, I didn't say KST was hot, but I do think she's a lot better looking than many female celebs out there (Kardashian clan, I'm looking at you). Hook's assessment started a longer assessment of which female celebs are the most attractive. My picks were SJ, Uma Thurman, Chloe Sevigny, Kate Moss, and Zooey Deschanel. Hook's picks were SJ, AMY ADAMS*, Natalie Portman...and I think that's it -- he may have listed more if I hadn't been talking so much.
Where am I going with this? Oh, yes: Hook noted that all of the celebs I found most attractive have "extremely thin faces" (his words). (Note: I would argue that SJ has a normal-width face, but that's one woman's opinion.) "I mean, their faces all look gaunt," he claimed, bringing up a pic of Uma Thurman. "I don't like seeing people's bones." This sentiment interested me -- that some of the [arguably] most attractive female celebrities are judged (by one male, at least) as having faces that are too narrow. What other celebrities might be judged as less attractive than People purports them to be? I'm curious. Also, I still don't understand the fuss about Natalie Portman and I probably never will. Being a brunette myself, this quandary is doubly disappointing.
In related news (or semi-related: take your pick), today is the day that I'm going to start using Roc under eye cream. There: I've said it. For most of my early twenties, I fretted not about crows' feet but about the possibility thereof. Examining my face this weekend, though, I think I've found crows' feet for real. Faint though they are, they're there, and I'm going to lotion the hell out of them until they reabsorb into my skin. Heh.
*Y'all, Amy Adams looks like a grown-up marching band girl. Enuff said.
Who is SJ?
I will note that I did not mention Natalie Portman during this discussion, but you are correct to include her in my list.
ss: SJ = Scarlett Johannson. I like to abbreviate because I cannot spell her last name w/o Googling it first, and the predictive text results for Googling SJ are TOO EMBARRASSING FOR MY WORK COMPUTER. (Note: the second result is "SJ breast size.")
AH: Eeeek! Or should I say, "Ice Burn, part deux?" It is true that you did not mention NP during last night's discussion, but I know that she is permanently on your list :) Heh.
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