Hell yeah, 2o11: you're off on the right foot! I say this despite my inability to get up before 2pm yesterday, thanks in toto to our celebration of the new year/A-ron's 30th birthday. Gotta love Latin American Club and their generous Manhattans, but you know it's going to be a rough morning when you walk -- in stocking feet, no less! -- from the bar to 16th and Valencia for a bacon dog. Bacon dogs have become shorthand for the best [worst?] nights.
I set only one formal resolution this year -- to work out four times/week. No reading goal for 2011. I was 1.5 books short of my goal for this year (and one book short of reaching the selfsame goal in 2009). It's not as though the absence of a reading outline will discourage me from reading. On the contrary! I think that not having pressure re: how much reading I must accomplish might actually spur me to exceed my own unspoken expectations. We'll see.
But back to the exercise goal. I've devised a plan for myself, my mom, and my sister: we're each going to set a goal (any goal) and keep each other posted on our progress via weekly emails. If we achieve our goal 80% of the time, then we'll take a trip at year's end. Our destination of choice will either be Hawaii or Alaska. Ali's pulling for the latter, but I think Mai Tais on the beach might be a nice way to cap off a year of fitness.
We're listening to a Kamikaze Hearts album, blogging (me) and browsing for guitar accessories (Hook). The heat is on; I could go for a nap. Still, the year is young enough that the desire for sleep is outweighed by the desire to be ultimately productive! And so I will.
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