Friday, January 9, 2009

It is time:

That's right: I am going to see Bride Wars tonight. Not without a modicum of shame, mind you, but not so much shame that I won't publicly divulge my activity. Something about women in wedding dresses beating on each other amuses me endlessly! Well, I hope there will be beating...or at least swatting. Girl fighting.

In other news: I am freaking out in my brain about my thesis. I realized - at about 4:45 this morning, inconveniently - that I have only 2.5 to 3 months to finish all my editing. Yikes. Fortunately, I won't be teaching after winter break, and fortunately too my spring course load won't be terrible. But still: who can blame me for seeking respite in Anne Hathaway movies?


Unknown said...


Are you going to Netflix "The Women" afterwards?

Good luck with the thesis.

Peach Pit said...

IT IS TOO LATE: I have already gone. And sadly, I have seen "The Women," but only because Ali rented it. That one was totally not my fault!