Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time: WTF?

How is it already the eve of 2009? New Year's tends to sneak up on me: the excitement of the Xmas buildup and the holiday proper seem to overshadow all else and then WHAM! It's New Year's Eve. This year, the overshadowing/WHAM happened even more quickly than in the past, and here I am, sitting in the kitchen with a mug of tea, updating my blog. Resolutions? Not really, though I hope to 1) sort through my mail and other papers more diligently, with greater frequency; and 2) at least try to floss more often. (See how irresolute those pseudo-resolutions are?) Big plans? Nope. We'll probably go out in town, the roads being slick as hell, and I would like to wear my ruffly dress(!) But if I don't do either, I won't be too forlorn.

New Year's: it's the lamest of holidays. For most of us, the weather is horrid (an argument that doesn't apply, of course, if your home is in a [sub]tropical clime), which presents real difficulties to the individual trying to look hot. Indeed, only some of us can manage to look jawesome wearing acres of wool and opaque hosieries. Then there's the anticlimax of New Year's in comparison to Xmas (or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or Solstice), which is usually rich with tradition and spent with family/friends. NYE, too is usually spent with family/friends, I concede, but there's an air of mania and desperation undercutting the whole thing. The practices of one's-year-in-review and writing resolutions seem to force a linearity onto less easily defined motivations, occurrences, thoughts. Life is random; resolution-making assumes unflagging willpower (initially, at first), that the maker's desire to even uphold said resolutions will remain unchanging through the year. Flossing? Screw flossing. Actually, no: flossing is important, but I won't beat myself up if I don't floss every night.

I don't know. I don't mind NYE, but I'm not a fan. That is, if facebook allowed people to become fans of the date/event/holiday(?), then I would not become a fan. (Maybe I'll check now to see if that's even a possibility...)

Well, this sounds more curmudgeonly than I'd hoped. I am excited for the coming year: I just don't want to cram all my excitements into one night.
Happy K9, friends(!)

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